miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008

How to Write a Play Review

How to Write a Play Review

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Writing a play review is something that must be done with much time and care. People will read the review and it may affect their decision to go/not go to the play you are writing about. To learn how to write a review, please read more below.


  1. Include the who, what, where, when. Example: What: "George and Margaret" Who: Norhshore Drama Dept. Where: Northshore High When: January 10th, 2008.
  2. Write about the casting. Was it well cast or poorly cast? Who were the students/people that were cast? Why do you think they cast it the way they did?
  3. Write about the plot. Include a plot description! (If you need help, you can look for one online). Was the plot interesting? Boring? Sad? Funny? Romantic?
  4. Consider the theme of the show. What elements make up that theme?
  5. Think about the style of the play. How can you tell the type of style this play has? Is there more than one style choice?
  6. Comment on the costumes. Did they fit the character? Who designed them?
  7. Comment on the set. Does the set add something extra to the play? Who designed/worked on the set? Make sure to give credit!
  8. Talk about the director(s). Try to get an interview with them.
  9. Discuss memorable quotes. List several examples and explanations into why they are memorable.
  10. Type the review and feel free to do what you wish with it!


  • Don't forget about a catchy intro and a good conclusion!
  • Add your name at the bottom!


  • If you give someone a bad review, BEWARE! Things could get bad for you.

Things You'll Need

  • A Play to go see
  • A play bill
  • A computer
  • Printer
  • Paper
  • This wiki

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Write a Play Review. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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