miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008

How to Write a Movie Review

How to Write a Movie Review

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

While it seems easy to write a movie review, there are many difficulties involved. You have to keep your mind open, and view it with an open mind. Look at it as it is written, and not because you may not like the actor or director. Remember millions of people will take your opinion seriously and a movie reviewer can make or break a movie.


  1. Watch a movie, and during the movie, think about what you like and don't like about it. Try to remember these things, because you will need them during the writing part.
  2. Go home, and write down all the information that you gathered during the movie. Let all the information sit for up to a day because you need time to think over the movie. But, don't let yourself take more than a day, because if you wait too long, you tend to lose interest and forget important things that you felt.
  3. Write all the information down in a format that is readable for others. Remember to include a basic summary for people who haven't heard of the movie, but remember to not give away the ending, or any other part that they wouldn't want to have ruined for them.
  4. Remember to aim for about 600-700 words for the entire review.
  5. Hand out copies of your review to other people, so they can have the chance to read your opinion, and after time, you may start to get people wanting more and more reviews.
  6. Another step would be to submit your reviews to movie review sites.


  • Remember, try reviewing every movie you see, because when you get into the habit, it will become easier.
  • Once you gain more confidence in your reviews, try to match the tone of each with the style of the movie. For example, a humorous writing style would work well for a comedy, whereas a more serious tone would be good for writing a drama review.
  • When joining movie review sites, develop a personality for yourself. The best critics in the world are known for their personalities not really if they think movies are good or bad. It may be good to put your favorite movies together on a top movie list.
  • Make your review much like a newspaper article, put your most important things at the top and your least important facts or comments at the end.


  • Try not to slam actors too much, because if it gets too out of hand, they may consider legal action against you. Just be careful.

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