jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2007

Teacher´s Corner - November 2007

Challenge Education - Lesson Plans and Movie Guides

Ahh.. it’s got that new movie smell… Gear up and discover a fascinating Movie Guide full of Lesson Plans and real life English. Lightening McQueen will take your student’s in an inspiring journey right through the most challenging stops in the language.

Here Teachers have a good resource to teach English with Movies!!! I recommend this website.

Visit the website www.challenge-education.com
Activities for students

This is an article I received from Estari Libros

Wind Up Learning as the Year Winds Down: Activities for the Last Days of School

The last few days of the school year are upon you, and you're at a loss for what to do. Do you emphasize fun or attempt to squeeze in some last-minute learning? This week, Education World offers suggestions for keeping kids focused during the last hours of the school year. Included: More than a dozen great end-of-year ideas!

The school year winds down. End-of-year testing is complete. The days grow warmer. The kids are tired and restless. What's a teacher to do? Do you give up and concentrate on fun and games for the rest of the year? Do you attempt to accomplish some teaching right up to the last bell? Whichever approach you prefer, Education World can suggest some activities you might want to try during the last days of school.

Click here to read the article http://www.estarilibros.com.ar/News/Noviembre/5.html
Ron Butlin

This short kit focuses on the work of the Scottish writer Ron Butlin. It explores a little about the man as well as giving some insight into his books. The materials were intended for ELT students between the ages of 14 - 18 with an upper-intermediate level, but can easily be adapted to suit other levels and age groups.


with free downloadable lesson plans

We'd like to tell everyone that we have just started a website which is mainly devoted to our work on task-based learning and teaching.

We would like to help those who are already involved in TBLT and to encourage those who are interested in trying things out.
We have a couple of pages to introduce ourselves, then we have pages about our publications - both books and articles. Most of the articles are downloadable and you can also download a free copy of Dave's book The Lexical Syllabus.

Most important we are building up a stock of FREE LESSON PLANS for you to use, with commentaries to help those new to TBLT.

We hope the site will be useful for your subscribers, and we'd be grateful if you could pass on the address:
The Hyena,
9 Fountain Brow
Kendal LA9 4NW

En Inglés

LearnEnglish Kids is the British Council's website for young learners of English and their parents and teachers. The site has been updated with a new set of free resources about the topic of music and you can find them here.

Professor Copper Giloth's students have developed artwork based on traditional Aesop's fables and their own versions of the fables.


Articles, word games, stories & poems, links, cartoons, trivia & polls sorted into over one hundred topics

Interesting and fun things for the younger ones. Games, music, movie news, science info, jokes, ecards, homework help, Ask Earl for quick help, an encyclopedia, and lots more!

The Office of English Language Programs provides professional teacher training programs worldwide to promote understanding of American language, society, culture, values and policies.

Languages of the World provides 'information about the language families of the world and their most important and populous members, including their history, status, their linguistic characteristics, and their writing in as simple and concise a way as possible.'

“There's never enough EFL Websites or at least that's what I figured when I decided to create one of my own. What frustrates me about ESL Websites is that you can never find the resource you want. So I've created the world's first Google EFL co-op Search Engine with IE7 & Firefox searchbars.”

En Español

Edición de textos y escritos en general - Dirección completamente dedicada al asesoramiento de estilo en el diseño y redacción de documentos, cualquiera que sea el campo de referencia de los mismos.

Introducción a la Redacción - De Castro, A. E. - El docente siempre ha necesitado, y necesita, optimizar sus habilidades para transmitir sus conocimientos, siempre debe recurrir a sus habilidades intelectuales para hacer uso de su expresión escrita y transmitir sus conocimientos a través de ella. Los docentes necesitan desarrollar nuevas técnicas para crear textos más lógicos, coherentes inteligibles, accesibles a sus estudiantes y público en general. El docente debe ser capaz de: desarrollar estrategias para estructurar lógicamente su competencia escrita; conocer, desarrollar y aplicar técnicas para el acopio y generación de ideas con fines específicos; y, conocer, desarrollar y aplicar técnicas para la organización de sus ideas en un escrito.

Página de la lengua española - Monjas Llorente, M.A. (1998) - Página web con gran número de recursos relacionados con la lengua española: enlaces a instituciones, literatura, publicaciones, cursos de español a través de Internet, diccionarios, manuales para escribir correctamente, foros hispanos, grupos de noticias y listas de correo, gramática, reflexiones sobre la situación de nuestra lengua, herramientas informáticas para el uso del español, directorios y motores de búsqueda en español, servidores públicos y ciudades virtuales, páginas en español relacionadas con la informática e Internet y otras páginas de temática similar o relacionada.

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English World and Education
