Word of the Day - December 2007
The Word of the Day for December 1 is:
nuance \NOO-ahnss\ noun
*1 : a subtle distinction or variation
2 : a subtle quality : nicety
3 : sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value)
Example sentence: Because she wanted to set her novel in New England, the author spent three months in New Hampshire learning the nuances of the local dialect.
The Word of the Day for December 2 is:
attenuate \uh-TEN-yuh-wayt\ verb
1 : to make thin or slender
*2 : to lessen the amount, force, magnitude, or value of : weaken
3 : to reduce the severity, virulence, or vitality of
Example sentence: The use of computers, with their quiet keyboards, has greatly attenuated the noise level of the office, but Dee misses the sound of clacking typewriters.
The Word of the Day for December 3 is:
escapade \ESS-kuh-payd\ noun
a usually adventurous action that runs counter to approved or conventional conduct
Example sentence: His latest film is a screwball comedy depicting the calamitous escapades of two men who stow away on a cruise ship.
The Word of the Day for December 4 is:
rambunctious \ram-BUNK-shuss\ adjective
marked by uncontrollable exuberance : unruly
Example sentence: By the time she finally got the three rambunctious children to bed, the babysitter was exhausted.
The Word of the Day for December 5 is:
toady \TOH-dee\ noun
: one who flatters in the hope of gaining favors : sycophant
Example sentence: The editorial unfairly characterizes the appointee as one of the mayor's toadies, ignoring her long record of unselfish service to the community.
The Word of the Day for December 6 is:
Locofoco \loh-kuh-FOH-koh\ noun
1 : a member of a radical group of New York Democrats organized in 1835 in opposition to the regular party organization
*2 : a member of the Democratic party of the United States
Example sentence: "It might be said that Roosevelt was the greatest locofoco since Andrew Jackson." (Robert E. Sherwood, _Roosevelt and Hopkins_)
The Word of the Day for December 7 is:
confabulate \kun-FAB-yuh-layt\ verb
1 : to talk informally : chat
*2 : to hold a discussion : confer
3 : to fill in gaps in memory by fabrication
Example sentence: Before accepting my offer to purchase their handmade quilt, Polly and Linda took a moment to confabulate.
The Word of the Day for December 8 is:
supercilious \soo-per-SILL-ee-us\ adjective
: coolly and patronizingly haughty
Example sentence: Lucinda's beauty attracted many suitors, but her supercilious manner eventually drove them all away.
The Word of the Day for December 9 is:
limpid \LIM-pid\ adjective
1 *a : marked by transparency : pellucid b : clear and
simple in style
2 : absolutely serene and untroubled
Example sentence: "Autumn leaves float on a limpid stream through which you can see the shadows they cast on the stones below." (Ken Johnson, _The Boston Globe_, July 8, 2007)
The Word of the Day for December 10 is:
imprecate \IM-prih-kayt\ verb
: to invoke evil on : curse
Example sentence: "The workers' sweating brows wrinkled, but I heard no one imprecate the river; each just went back to passing along stories and sandbags." (William Least Heat-Moon, _River-Horse_)
The Word of the Day for December 11 is:
soporific \sah-puh-RIFF-ik\ adjective
1 *a : causing or tending to cause sleep b : tending to dull awareness or alertness
2 : of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy
Example sentence: After dinner, Owen sank onto the couch by the fireplace and -- succumbing to the soporific effect of his full belly and the comfortable surroundings -- quickly fell asleep.
The Word of the Day for December 12 is:
harry \HAIR-ee\ verb
1 : to make a pillaging or destructive raid on : assault
2 : to force to move along by harassing
*3 : to torment by or as if by constant attack
Example sentence: Seven-year-old Kaitlyn harried her little sister with pokes, hair pulling, and teasing, badgering her until she burst into tears.
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