Cursos, Talleres, Convenciones, Jornadas, Seminarios, Simposios, Conferencias
XXXII FAAPI CCONFERENCE IN JUJUY ECL TOUR OF SALTA, JUJUY AND SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FURTHER CERTIFICATE FOR TEACHERS OF BUSINESS ENGLISH Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English with Universidad CAECE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ONLINE COURSE ON PREPOSITIONS AND PHRASAL VERBS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEMINAR: GREAT MID-YEAR ACTIVITIES June 23rd – 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST CONFERENCE ON ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES´ CULTURAL STUDIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JORNADAS DE LENGUAS EXTRANJERAS DE LA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CATAMARCA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Objetivos: constituye un espacio propio de intercambio de experiencias, investigaciones, propuestas e interrogantes que problematizan el campo de la didáctica específica desde una perspectiva transdisciplinar a.. Actualizar los estudios y reflexiones en torno de la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura. b.. Jerarquizar la construcción del campo de la didáctica específica. c.. Sostener un ámbito de trabajo y prospectiva para los estudios disciplinares. Requisitos y fechas para el envío de resúmenes y ponencias: Los resúmenes de las ponencias deben cumplir con las siguientes condiciones: 1) No exceder las 300 palabras; 2) Incluir título de la ponencia, autor o autores, institución a la que pertenece y dirección de E-mail, 3) Estar escrito en Arial 12, en procesador Word 6.0 o compatible. Fecha límite de envío de resúmenes: 30 de junio de 2007. Las ponencias deben responder a los objetivos y temáticas propuestas por el Congreso. Su extensión total no puede superar las 8 páginas con notas y bibliografía incluida. Fecha límite de envío de ponencias: 30 de julio de 2007. Temario: 1) La literatura y los lectoresLa lectura como práctica sociocultural, la formación de lectores, el canon literario escolar, literatura y formación de identidades, modos de apropiación de la enseñanza de la literatura, promoción de la lectura. Experiencias, propuestas e investigaciones. 2) Prácticas de escritura, escritura de las prácticas Las prácticas de escritura como prácticas socioculturales, experiencias y propuestas, el problema de la enseñanza de la escritura, investigaciones en torno a los modos de apropiación del conocimiento a través de la escritura. La escritura de las prácticas docentes como nuevo camino para la producción en didáctica de la lengua y la literatura 3) Perspectivas en la investigación de la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura
XXXII FAAPI Conference “Cultural Awareness in ELT”
Date: 20, 21 & 22 September 2007
Venue: Complejo Educativo “José hernández”
Avda. Arturo Illia N° 451 – Bo. Los Perales
San Salvador de Jujuy – Jujuy – Argentina
Theme: “Cultural Awareness in ELT”
Cross Cultural Education
Language and Culture
Literature as a means of culture
Cultural Awareness through Literature, History, Folklore, Humour in ELT
Teaching Culture in the ESL/ EFL classroom
Registration and fees:
June 16th up to complete 920 attendants
FAAPI Associations Members: $ 140
Non members $ 220
Groups of 5 people: 5% discount
Groups of 10 people: 10% discount
Students: only those attending the last course will be accepted after June 16th
Registration form available at &
Visit our web pages.
Come and meet ECL in the North!
Salta – Jujuy - Santiago Del Estero
The European Consortium for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages, (ECL) announces a round of seminars and presentations in the North of Argentina:
Workshop 1
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) in the Classroom. Uses and Applications.
A new methodology? No way!...A completely new world of resources! Let’s start a brief exploration into this incredibly productive area. A workshop to discover concrete tips for the application of NLP in everyday classroom life at different ages. Become an NLPer and deal better with discipline problems. Note: No previous knowledge is required.
Workshop 2
Practical NLP Tips To Help Your Students To Succeed In Exams
Many factors usually interfere in our students` performance in examinations, not allowing them to show how much they really know. This presentation will discuss how NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) can help our students minimize the side effects of those negative factors and achieve better outcomes. A surprise promised!
Workshop 3
Presentation of the ECL Examinations System
Presenter: Fabian Alejandro Wallace - Continental Coordinator for the Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages -
16/6 - Oran,Salta - W1-W2-W3
Organizer: Instituto Shakespeare
Contact: Prof. Mirian Moreno -
18/6 - San Pedro, Jujuy - W1-W3
Organizer: Asociación Jujeña de Profesores de Inglés AJPI
Contact: Prof. Marcela Burgos -
18/6 - San Salvador de Jujuy -W1-W3
Organizer: Asociación Jujeña de Profesores de Inglés AJPI
Contact: Prof. Marcela Burgos -
19/6 - Santiago del Estero - W1-W3
Organizar: Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero
Contact: Ing. Ramón Ledesma -
Coffee and Raffles at the end of each day!
Certificate of Attainment in Modern Languages
Visit us:
Haward English Institute presents
English Through Popular Music
Friday, June 29 from 8:30 to 18:00
(Adapted from Language Experience Through Popular Music)
University of Santa Barbara – California,U.S.A.
An incredible whole day session devoted to the use popular music to teach ESL
• We will share with you techniques that we have used and that work.
• Give you the tools to develop your creativity
• Make this workshop a memorable one and not just one more.
• You will learn the most incredible song activities that can be used in class
• You will be inspired to create your own material
Presenter: Noemí Leone
Director Haward English Institute Capital Federal
Date: June 29th 2007 from 8:30 to 18:00
Venue: Biblioteca “José Hernandez” de la Ciudad de 9 de Julio, Pcia de Buenos Aires
There will be a publishers' raffle at the end of the workshop and attendance certificates will be issued and certificates certified by S.E.A. Asociación de Centros de Idiomas ( will be given to all those who present an assignment paper within 30 days after the workshop
Fees: students $35.- before June 15th $40 on site
teachers $50 - before June 15th $60 on site
Handouts included
How to register:
Contact Adriana Lanzi or Rocio Plet and fill out application form to book your seat. Please note that unless you pre-register you run the risk of not being admitted to the workshop if seats have all been taken-or you may not receive a certificate or the handouts. By the same token do not pre-register unless you are sure to come. Please help us make this a well organized event, we count on you.
Universidad CAECE is an authorised training and examining centre of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry – International Qualifications.
Course Coordinator and Author: Lic. Ana María Rozzi de Bergel, M.A.
An ideal course for teachers, translators or English speakers who wish to teach at language schools or in corporate environments.
The course leads up to the Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English, by the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examinations Board, International Qualifications.
This is an internationally valid qualification granted by the LCCI through Universidad CAECE, an authorised teaching and testing centre, which successfully prepares language professionals for teaching ESP to adults and managing corporate courses.
Enrollment: From June 15 to August 10, 2007.
Argentine students: Enroll at an Aldea Global Centre. The full list of centres is at – Educación a Distancia.
Foreign students: Go to the Foreign Students page in the same site and find the enrollment instructions there.
Upon enrollment, students will receive a Key to access the study materials, the 10 units lodged in our e-learning platform. A tutor will guide them throughout the course and communications will be via e-mail or in the Forum.
Entry requirements: Participants may be teachers of English, translators or fully proficient English users, writing, reading and talking at near-educated native-speaker level.
Starting date: 18 August,2007.
Duration: 3 months
Starting August 18, 2007, tutors will be available for consultation for three months.
Examination: Candidates may take the final examination at the LCCI centre closest to their places of residence or in Buenos Aires, at Universidad CAECE. It is perfectly possible to attend the course at one centre and sit for the examination at another. Dates will be informed in due course, as the examination is On Demand. Prices vary for each country. In Argentina, the cost is ARG $ 285.
Certificate: On passing the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s examination, participants will receive the Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English, of international validity.
Participants not taking the LCCI examination will receive a Certificate of Participation in the course, granted by Universidad CAECE.
Number of hours: 50 hours.
Queries: Please contact Malvina Monsalvo at:
Av. de Mayo 866/ Junín 517. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Phones: 0044 011 5217-7878, ext. 286-287.
0044 011 5252-2800, ext. 251
This course is about how to best study and learn the use of prepositions, adverbial particles and phrasal verbs. How do most teachers deal with phrasals? They teach them when they appear in a context. That's fine, but we also want our students to understand the meaning of the phrasals, and although the meanings can be looked up in a dictionary, no dictionary tells us why phrasals mean what they mean .Very often, they are treated as idiomatic.
This course throws light on the meanings and uses of prepositions, adverbial particles and phrasal verbs. Prepositions have to be studied as pairs of opposites: at and its opposite, away from, on and its opposite, off, in and its opposite, out, over and its opposite under, and so on. Metaphorical uses of phrasals are no longer a mystery. They can be understood and used with much greater confidence than before.
Duration: 6 weeks
Fee: $ 240.-
Starting Date: 22/06/07
Magíster Aldo Omar Blanco
Lecturer in English Grammar and Linguistics at Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. English Teacher, 'Dr Joaquín V. González' College of Education, Buenos Aires (1958), MA in English, University of Buffalo, USA (1961), Diploma in General Linguistics, University of Edinburgh (1965), Certificate of Specialization in Linguistics, Montevideo (1966).
Further Information –
Phones: (011) 4796-0181 / (011) 4464-0350 - from abroad: +(54 11) 4796-0181
At: Maryland E.L.T.C
Avda. Suárez 1525 – Ciudad de Buenos Aires
How To Use Games in the Language Classroom
by Fernando Armesto
Come and share the experience of learning some brief theoretical background on playing games and discover their potential educational value.
Discover how working with icebreakers, vocabulary games, games to practise writing, speaking, roleplaying and story building can be an unforgettable experience for you and your students.
Play games made by real students and have fun!
Fernando Armesto is a Profesor de Inglés e Inglés Técnico from Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. He is a Candidate to the “Doctorado en Lenguas Modernas” from Universidad del Salvador.
Lecturer at Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in the Chairs of "Didactics for EGB 1 and 2" and "Practicum" . Head of English- Primary and Secondary- at Colegio Belgrano Uno.
Former Lecturer in English Language at Universidad Austral and Universidad del Museo Social Argentino and Head of English at Instituto de Educación Integral .
He has specialized in E.S.P., working in the fields of Tourism, Hotel Catering and Management and Journalism. He is the co- author of the resource book "Tourism" published by Macmillan. He has been engaged in several Drama Clubs and Societies and he has worked with Drama with children, adolescents and adults. Actor and Assistant Director in various plays with the Buenos Aires Players and the Suburban Players.
How To Apply Multiple Intelligences Theory in the Language Classroom
By Martha Ortigueira
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences theory challenged traditional beliefs in the fields of cognitive science and education.
Discover how to help your students understand the balance of their own multiple intelligences to manage their own learning and value their individual strengths.
Enjoy taking part in classroom activities designed to help your students learn better!
Martha Ortigueira is a Profesora en Inglés - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Pontificia Universidad Católica "Santa María de los Buenos Aires”. She is a Candidate to the “Doctorado en Lenguas Modernas” from Universidad del Salvador and “Maestría en Enseñanza de la Lengua y la Literatura” from Universidad Nacional de Rosario.
She is a Lecturer at Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in the Chairs of Theories of Learning and Residencia Pedagógica and Academic Language I and II at Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa - UTN. She also teaches Language II at Instituto del Profesorado del Consudec.
Head of English- Primary School at Instituto Santa María del Rosario and director of her own school of English in Barracas.Former teacher of English at Centro Cultural and Centro de Graduados en Lenguas Vivas de la Universidad Católica Argentina.Ms. Ortigueira is a Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Fees 1 Workshop $30 / 2 Workshops $50
3 people enrolling together $45 each.
Methods of Payment:
Bank Deposit: Banco Supervielle cuenta corriente 51- 000418/5 MAGFE S.R.L
Bank Transfer: CBU: 02700519 80010000041859
On Site Before the Workshops
Maryland E.L.T.C
Avda. Suárez 1525 – Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Phone numbers: 4301 – 8533/4307 – 5314 (9 to 12)
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 3:30 to 7:00 p.m
First Conference on English-Speaking Countries´ Cultural Studies
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4-5 July 2007
CELTICA ( is pleased to announce a two-day conference on the cultural aspects of English-speaking countries, to be held in Buenos Aires 4-5 July 2007.
Confirmed Lectures:
50 States, 50 Realities
US Embassy presentation
American Art in Europe
Common Misconceptions about the US Political System
British Current Affairs and Culture
El arte en Canadá (in Spanish)
La inmigración en Argentina y Canadá (in Spanish)
Song and Dance: A Celebration
Optional Seminars (morning, July 6):
Movies and quotes selected by the American Film Institute
Greatest TV moments, catch-phrases, and shows
American Museums
Confirmed Speakers:
Leticia Balonés, M.A. Bilingual Translation, University of Westminster
Paula López Cano, Fulbright Scholar, M.A. American Studies, University of Kansas
Gabriela Scandura, M.A. Audiovisual Translation candidate, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Ofelia Scher, Professor/Researcher, Universidad de Buenos Aires; vice president - Argentine-Canadian Center; Canadian Government scholar
Paula Senderowicz, Instituto Universitario de Arte, Canadian Government scholar
Fabiana Serviddio, Fine Arts PhD candidate, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keith Thomas, M.A. Politics, Brandies University
For further information/registration:
Universidad Nacional de Catamarca
Facultad de Humanidades
Departamento Frances / Departamento Inglés
Jornadas Disciplinares de la Facultad de Humanidades: Lenguas Extranjeras
Miércoles 15, Jueves 16 y Viernes 17 de Agosto de 2007
Catamarca – Argentina
Objetivos de las Jornadas
Objetivo General
Proponer un espacio de intercambio científico – académico entre docentes, investigadores y alumnos de la Universidad Nacional de Catamarca y demás Universidades Nacionales e Instituciones de Nivel Terciario, que realizan Trabajos de Investigación relacionados con las Lenguas Extranjeras
Objetivos Especificos
- Posibilitar a los docentes e investigadores de la Universidad Nacional de Catamarca y demás Universidades Nacionales e Instituciones de Nivel Terciario la divulgación de los resultados de sus investigaciones relacionadas con las áreas temáticas de las Jornadas.
- Dar a conocer las experiencias de investigación: 1) intercátedras que se desarrollan en el ámbito de la Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, 2) interuniversitarias, resultado de equipos de investigación conformados por investigadores de nuestra universidad e investigadores de otras Universidades Nacionales e Instituciones de Nivel Terciario
- Crear un espacio para que los docentes del Sistema Educativo difundan trabajos que constituyan un aporte para el desenvolvimiento de la cátedra
- Desarrollar un ámbito de difusión de trabajos de investigación de alumnos y/o egresados de Grado y Postgrado de la Universidad Nacional de Catamarca
- Docentes–Investigadores con Proyectos de Investigación acreditados y subsidiados por las Secretarías de Ciencia y Tecnología de las Universidades Argentinas
- Docentes – Investigadores con Proyectos de Investigación acreditados
- Docentes que hayan realizado trabajos de cátedra y/o intercátedras de todos los niveles del Sistema Educativo
- Alumnos y/o egresados de Grado y Postgrado con trabajos de investigación
Áreas temáticas:
- Las vinculadas con la Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras:
• Lingüística
• Educación
• Cultura
Tipos De Presentación
A- Ponencias- Presentación: 20 minutos - Discusión: 5 minutos.
B- Talleres- Duración: 90 minutos.
Aranceles: serán abonados el día 15 de agosto en el horario de 8,30 a 9,30, antes de la iniciación de las Jornadas. Los montos abonados no serán reembolsados por la Facultad de Humanidades.
Detalle de aranceles
- Docentes expositores: $ 50
- Docentes expositores con publicación: $ 100
- Docentes asistentes: $ 30
- Alumnos expositores con publicación: $ 25
- Alumnos asistentes: $ 5
Inscripciones: Las inscripciones se realizarán por correo electrónico hasta el día viernes 6 de julio de 2007. Las personas que viven en la ciudad de Catamarca,
Pueden inscribirse personalmente en la Secretaría de la Facultad de Humanidades UNCa, Avda. Belgrano 300, C.P. 4700 Catamarca
Fecha de realización: 15 y 16 de setiembre de 2007
Lugar: Argentina, Salta - Universidad Nacional de Salta
Organiza: Cátedra de Didáctica de la lengua y la literatura - Escuela de Letras - Facultad de Humanidades - Universidad Nacional de Salta
4) La formación docente en letrasProblemáticas de la formación docente en Letras. Diversidad lingüística y cultural, matrices didácticas, el problema de la articulación teoría-práctica, literatura y formación docente.
5) Sujetos e identidades en la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura Construcción de una mirada sociocultural en la didáctica de la lengua y literatura. Lenguaje, escuela y diversidad. Lengua y literatura, escritura y oralidad en la construcción de identidades. Otros escenarios, otros sujetos. Experiencias de aula, propuestas e investigaciones en didáctica de la lengua y la literatura.6) Literatura, lectores e infancia Problemáticas e interrogantes en torno a la literatura infantil. Formación de lectores. La cuestión del canon. Experiencias de lectura y sujetos lectores. Investigaciones y propuestas.
Informes e inscripción: Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación Calle 48 e/ 6 y 7 (1900) La Plata Buenos Aires ArgentinaTeléfonos: +54 221 4230125 / 4230126 / 4230127 / 4230128 / 4230129 / 4236669 /4236671 / 4236673 Fax: +54 221 4253790
JUNE, 2007
A lot has been said in the ELT arena about entertaining ways of using authentic materials. However, authentic materials are very powerful tools to get effective learning into real motion, only if activities are carried out with sound methodological purposes. The forum will discuss traditional and not -so traditional ways of dealing with authentic materials and will guide teachers into reflection on techniques and their results on the learning process. The forum represents a unique chance to build up together an effective repertoire of activities for videos, newspapers and magazines based on the ideas shared by members of the Forum.
Join this new Forum, improve your classes, and be com e better teachers !
Prof. Carlos Galizzi is a graduate teacher from Joaquín V. Gonzalez.
He has been a teacher trainer at the "Program for teachers development", Universidad de Belgrano. He has also trained teachers at CEPA, Education Secretariat. City of Buenos Aires .
He has obtained a highest mark Diploma in "Management and Leadership of the Education System and its Institutions" at FLACSO Argentina , an organization created by a UNESCO initiative. He has taught, coordinated courses and done research in Business English for 14 years. He has specialized in Methodology at Joaquín V. Gonzalez. He is the founder of WISE, an organization for teacher training and development with high academic standards. In the last 4 years he has devoted himself to leading WISE and lecturing extensively both up and down the country and abroad.
JUNE, 23rd, 24th & 25th
Starting Date: Saturday, 23rd (8 p.m.)
Closing Date: Monday, 25th (8 p.m.)
The forum will take place at:
Participants will receive a Pack of Theoretical Materials,
especially created by Carlos Galizzi (by e-mail)
and a Certificate of Participation (via Correo Argentino).
The III International ELT Forum provides an opportunity for people with a variety of perspectives – ELT experts and non-experts alike – to explore each other’s views and share information in a casual atmosphere. It provokes discussion as well as interaction, and creates a setting for people to truly exchange ideas on important issues regarding English Language Teaching.
Enrolment is only guaranteed by payment of fee.
$ 35 – (thirty five pesos)
Other countries
U$S 15 – (fifteen dollars)
Option 1
Bank deposit Please email us at
so that we send you the details.
Option 2
Pago Fácil / Rapipago
Please email us at
so that we send you the right pay form.
Other countries
Payment through Western Union
Please email us at
so that we send you the details.

Para Docentes, Coordinadores, Directores y Jefes de Departamento de Instituciones Educativas e Institutos de Idiomas.
Nueva Fecha viernes 29 y sabado 30 de Junio de 2007
El curso se realiza en dos módulos consecutivos e independientes, por lo tanto los participantes pueden optar por inscribirse a ambos o elegir el que más le interese.
El curso se lleva a cabo en el Colegio Rio de La Plata, Laprida 1635. Capital Federal.
Informes: ABS International. Bolo Bolaños 1455 Tigre. Tel7Fax: 4749-3600
Our dear SHARER Patricia Orsi, President of ARTESOL has sent us all this invitation:
TESOL Symposium on Teaching ESP – July 12, 2007
At UADE – Universidad Argentina de
The TESOL Symposium on Teaching English for Specific Purposes will take place July 12, 2007,in
The theme of the symposium was chosen by
The featured speakers are Donna Brinton, Almut Koester, and Thomas Orr. Viviana Cortes will lead the closing session.
For complete program and registration information, visit TESOL's Web site:
Registration fees (includes program fees, materials, and refreshment breaks)
Pre-registration Fee (Register by June 22, 2007) $20 US
On-site Registration Fee (Pay on site—space available basis) $30 US
Our dear SHARER Elida Messina has sent us this information:
7th Southern Cone TESOL Convention
Regional Challenges in Teacher Development
Buenos Aires, Argentina
July 13 –14, 2007
Universidad Argentina de
The Southern Cone Convention is organized every two years by a different TESOL affiliate in
Featured Speakers:
-Sandra Briggs
-Donna Brinton
-Joelle Usarski
For further information and Call for proposals, visit:
Fees: Pre Registration fee $ 80.- (Argentine pesos) for non-members and $65.- (Argentine pesos) for TESOL members.
On-site fee $100.- (Argentine pesos) for non-members and $85.- (Argentine pesos)
Contact mail:
Our dear SHARERS at INELEP Project, Inglés en
Course on Communicative Competence
A course for teachers of English approved by Red Federal de Formación Continua – Puntaje 0,20.
This four day course will focus on:
Teaching phonology
Reading, writing, speaking and listening
How to teach grammar and vocabulary embedded in lesson planning
Theoretical background as regards communicative competence
Practical ideas for teaching practice
Lecturer: Lic. Ana Kuckiewicz
Ana is a graduate teacher of English from Universidad Tecnológica Nacional where she is currently a Lecturer in Didáctica II. She holds a 'Licenciatura en Inglés' from Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
Venue Colegio Florentino Ameghino
C. M. de Alvear 1144 - Florida - Buenos Aires
Dates 5th May, 19th May, 9th June & 30th June
Time 9.15 am to 4.45 pm - Fee $25.00
It includes course material and certificate.
For further information and registraton (011) 5077-3975 / 4666-5202
Fecha de realización: 23 de junio de 2007
Lugar: Martín de Irigoyen 3100, Partido de Gral. San Martín
Organiza: Licenciatura en Educación Inicial, Universidad Nacional General San Martín, Escuela de Humanidades
Destinatarios: Directivos . Asesores Pedagógicos . Docentes de Jardín Maternal. Docentes de Jardín de Infantes. Profesionales de Carreras afines. Estudiantes de Carreras afines Contaremos con la presencia de: RUTH HARF; FABRIZIO ORIGLIO; ALEJANDRA SAGUIER; DANIEL BRAILOWSKY; MARÍA DEL CARMEN PÉREZ DE VELTRI entre otros especialistas destacadosInformes e inscripción: Confirmar asistencia enviando sus datos personales
Actividad no arancelada. Vacantes limitadas
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